MonMan is pleased to announce it has been contracted to provide 13 precision cooling units (CRAC) units for a local private university (name withheld). MonMan will be working with the design/construction team to modernize the University's Telecommuncations and Information Services departments. MonMan is proud to be such an integral part of the local community.
Cable Management FloorsFunctional and Beautiful Access Floors simplify your IT, Voice, Video and Data Cabling.
From 1"-12", with your choice of Tile, Terrazzo, Wood or Carpet finishes, our cable management floors work in any application.Learn MoreCustom AHUsMonMan means Custom Air Handlers. From new construction to replacing AHUs in hard-to-reach areas, we know how to cool and condition your critical process. Learn More
Beautiful. Functional. Floors.MonMan is the nation's premier access floor contractor, and we have the right system that will make your facility look great!Learn More
IT EfficiencyWe get IT. No other partner understands your servers' needs better than us.
We don't push facility equipment on you, we let your equipment decide. After all, it's all about the servers. It's all about your business. Learn More